
Well, everyone probably thought that I was dead considering I haven't been on here in two years. But aye here I am! I actually came on here to delete my account, but then I saw how many people read my stories still and I remember how happy writing them use to make me. So, I'm going to be keeping everything posted! Thank you to everyone the supported me as I was trying to find myself as a person! Thank you, everyone, for everything.
          	~ Hope


Well, everyone probably thought that I was dead considering I haven't been on here in two years. But aye here I am! I actually came on here to delete my account, but then I saw how many people read my stories still and I remember how happy writing them use to make me. So, I'm going to be keeping everything posted! Thank you to everyone the supported me as I was trying to find myself as a person! Thank you, everyone, for everything.
          ~ Hope