Dear readers,
I know I have been silent this last long while, but I have recently been thinking of an idea for a book. I will not make any promises, but I do think I can pull it off. I will be writing it on my own time, and will only start publishing parts once I completely finish writing, and editing it.
The book will be a little different from the others I have attempted. Usually I write in a world full of special powers, and abilities beyond what is humanly possible. With this book, I want to take a different approach, and write about a world without any of these special enhancements. I will write about a place similar to earth, but will be of my own creation. For the last few years I have written within the confines of someone else’s universe, namely the DC Universe filled with the likes of Batman and Superman. However, I feel it is time to create a world of my own, filled with characters that I think up, and a story that is from my heart.
As some of you may know, I am terrible at finishing projects. That is why I am going to finish it on my own time. I feel the most important things to help a account grow aside from a good book, is patience and consistency. Thanks for y’all s time.
-Dallas Hemlock