
Guys! I have been babysitting and stuff so I haven’t had time to write but I swear I will make time while I still have motivation:D


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Hey sorry to bother you guys but I’m running low of motivation, and have been recently told a lot of really fucked up things. My DR is the only thing keeping me stable and I don’t even have enough energy to write about it. I’m like 1/3 maybe more done with the next chapter. It might help me feel better if you guys could tell me about your day or about anything you want. Love you <3


@k0k1chi_om4 Thank you so much. Please don’t ever be nervous to comment! It makes my day when people comment on how they are Liking the story or even if they just want to say how their day is going. I really appreciate you<3


Hey I’m so sorry this is happening to you but I does get better eventually. I’ve been wanting to comment on your story for so long now but I’ve been to nervous to do so. I just like to say that I’m in LOVE with your story it’s the only one I really follow out of my 100 something current reads. Every time you update it just makes my day (of course no pressure update whenever you want ). Also again I am so sorry about what’s happening to you and I really hope your situation gets better! ❤️


So sorry! I know you’re probably sick of me saying that. Let’s just say the next episode is very Jermy with lots of fartz. (Hint hint) it’s kinda hard to write about Also my teachers just love giving me lots of homework  don’t hate me. Love you <3


Sorry guys! I’ve started to next chapter, but I’m really tired and have a lot of homework. I’ll try and post it tomorrow! If it doesn’t happy(Which it might not because I’m going to be at swim.) it will definitely be done by the end of the week:) love you all <3