hello. so as some of you might know my grandma Ruth has been battling with cancer for the last five years I have been the main one helping her along with her twin sister. well about a month and a half ago she took a very bad turn for the worse and was put in the hospital for about 2 weeks when she was released from there she was put into a nursing home and for the last month has got worse day by day. I stayed up there with her ever Saturday night. I went up there on Thursday to see how see was I almost broke down when I walked in. well yesterday for the first time in months my dad called me. her breathing was weak and almost nonexistent my dad picked me up but he just had to stop somewhere to get something. once we got up there a was stopped by my step grandma and I found out she had just passed away about 5 minutes before I got there if my dad had not stopped where he did I could have said goodbye to her. I lost my grandma yesterday and my dad has not called since then to see how his 17 year old daughter is doing after losing her grandma who has been there for more than he has who has been a bestfriend.
rip to the worlds best great grandmother ever. I hope you are where ever you are with grandpa sug , your son grandpa Jerry, uncle tom who(we also just lost this year), shine, and chop. you will be missed dearly