
When I'm gone, release me, let me go,
          	I have so many things to see and do,
          	You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears,
          	Be thankful for this time of this year,
          	I gave you my love, you can only guess,
          	How much you gave to me in happiness,
          	I thank you for the love you've shown,
          	But it's time that I travel alone,
          	So grieve for a while if grieve you must,
          	But then let the grieve be comforted by trust,
          	It's only a while that we must part,
          	So bless the memories in your heart,
          	I won't be far for life goes on,
          	So if you need me, call me and I'll come,
          	though you can't see or touch me, i'll be there,
          	Listen through your heart and you'll hear,
          	My voice, my love all soft and clear,
          	And then when you must come this way alone,
          	I'll greet you with a smile and welcome you home.
          	I love you all. I'm going off now. I don't know if I'll come on or not now again.
          	I'll miss everyone. But it's time to go. Let's hope for the best.
          	Love forever and always,


@DamnItsCam_ oh n i 4got hockey n soccer team with sooooo many children running around sreamin...xD


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@DamnItsCam_ chu ass!!! better keep chur ass here 4 a bit longer plxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...n i nvr said dis shit to anyone n chu sure damn noe it well..well ok fine chu da first one to hear me sayin i wuv chu soooo damn much..ugghh luk i said it now b happy n dance..chu will always b mi mon mon..n ik chur ass is watchin dis but not cumin out 2 reply..mon mon i know chu lyk no one else..n chu still mah lil mon 4 ev...hahhaha..i still remember wht mon mon means...hahhahahah...n yes v both can share da throne as chu b king n ill remain da QUEEN BISH xD
          	  ik chu cumin back 2 me all fit n fine..my heart is nvr wrong n vll have big happy italian family with loads of bar-BQs
          	  <33333 chu all da way mah babyy