
Hi everyone! This is Jack! So sorry we haven't been on this account in ages! Its not like we really do anything on it but we are sorry anyway! Haha! anywhoo I would just like to direct you all to a few things that if you want to get to know the Dancing Ninjas and personally better! This is my personal FB page https://www.facebook.com/?sk=nf feel free to friend me I don't bite! 
          	And this https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dancing-Ninjas/653150334716051 is the official Dancing Ninjas fanpage! So if you want to get ahold of all of us that is the best place to do it! I know I am eager to get to know all of you! And some of you I already know! But anyway that's all for now! Bye guys!!!!!!


Hi everyone! This is Jack! So sorry we haven't been on this account in ages! Its not like we really do anything on it but we are sorry anyway! Haha! anywhoo I would just like to direct you all to a few things that if you want to get to know the Dancing Ninjas and personally better! This is my personal FB page https://www.facebook.com/?sk=nf feel free to friend me I don't bite! 
          And this https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dancing-Ninjas/653150334716051 is the official Dancing Ninjas fanpage! So if you want to get ahold of all of us that is the best place to do it! I know I am eager to get to know all of you! And some of you I already know! But anyway that's all for now! Bye guys!!!!!!


Hey! It's Emma! You guys might be sick of these messages but I have a little bit of news. The Dancing Ninjas have inducted a Mini Ninja. My little sister, Anna, aka @SoccerStar034, just got added to the page. We have considered her a Mini Ninja for a long time now and since she has been writing "The Blind Side" which is Long Shot's side story, I thought this would be a perfect time to add her! She's fantastic at writing and a fun person to talk to (as long as you aren't me jk). She fit's in so well that I am now glad she is one of us! Welcome Anna!


Hi guys! Emma here! Zak, Jack, and I are getting closer to combining Long Shot, A Song From the Stars, and Fatal Attraction. That means we need a title. Now we have thought of a few such as Dangers of Desire, Homicide of the Heart, and Love or Die but we need your help! Either message us or post on our message board which title you like or what your idea for the title is! Thank you in advance and we love you all so much! 


Hey Everyone! This is the incredibly sexy amazing Jo Archer aka Jack! Speaking! I know I am not on alot, but I promise it is only because I am amazing and my other account demands attention! But I just wanted to annoy u with my ramblings hope you liked!
                                                                      The Fabulous Jo Archer.


Hey guys and dolls! It's Emma! I just updated our page because of our newest Dancing Ninja, @Skylar_Thoumas, joining us. Her name is Zak and we love her! She is currently writing A Song From The Stars as a Fatal Attraction side story so please read it! She's the best so we hope you like her! If you don't, us ninjas have some plotting to do. 