Yo, names Marian.
It's a pleasure to see you on my account.
If you're looking for good stories try loking in my playlists, if you're not how about you read one of my stories?
Have a nice day and or night.
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-L Lawlet
  • Namimori, Japan
  • JoinedMarch 6, 2020

Stories by Dancing Tobi
Precious Crow by DancingT0bi
Precious Crow
Hinatas was their precious little row, he was the sunshine of Karasuno, he was the friend of many. Who woul...
ranking #586 in yeet See all rankings
Satoke || Naruto One-Shot by DancingT0bi
Satoke || Naruto One-Shot
Read to find out uwu The song is Hallelujah by Pentatonix.
ranking #55 in hallelujah See all rankings
Little Unsteady by DancingT0bi
Little Unsteady
Just a depressing Naruto one-shot that I thought of. If you guys want a book describing the backstory of it t...
30 Reading Lists