it's really a shame, isn't it

oh ho, what's this? a secret alt? hope to see you there, perhaps I'll drop a few hints ;)

Oh huh Can’t help but notice I lost followers That’s okay though :) I miss you all

Hey everybody before you ask, no, I'm not back. I just want to check in on everybody, see how you are despite the nights I've cried for everybody I've left behind here I know my choice was for the best. I'm in a better place now. I check my notifications occasionally, you all seem to be doing well I hope you all keep on being the amazing and beautiful people you are :)

@DandelionDreams- I'm happy you decided to take this hiatus, you deserve a rest and peace and quiet. I hope you can get better, Mantis, good luck.

I guess now is the time to say goodbye. It was requested that I leave the LGBTQ+ Bunker up and I decided to leave Blossom of Hope up as well- I'd love to see it continued. I'm DandelionDreams#6290 on Discord if you'd like to find me there ... Now that that's all said and done, farewell until I see you next :)

@DandelionDreams- aww, bye! We'll miss you! I hope your life improves in the future and you can visit wattpad again.

To all of you, my friends, people I’ve never spoken to. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to follow me; I appreciate every single one of you wholeheartedly. I never really expected or really wanted to reach this point but it warms me to think this many people have stopped by and appreciated me enough to drop a follow. This account will probably never be fully deactivated but I do plan to unpublished every single one of my works very soon. Continuing to post stuff in a place where I’m terrified that everything I say or write or draw will be stolen away isn’t healthy. I may pop on every once in awhile, just to check in on you all, but Wattpad has become a really dark place for me. Every well meaning word is viewed with paranoia, every time I hear someone say ‘I can’t do this anymore’ my heart breaks a little more. I wish I could help but the truth I don’t want to hear is that I’m incapable of helping. I’m too broken right now, this place is too broken right now. I’m too numb to sympathize and I hate myself for not reaching out to those who need it the most. I hate my mental place and I hate my body and the whispers of blood and blades that keep returning. But maybe someday I’ll come back to find the flowers growing from the ashes. Maybe someday I can love this place like I used to. Maybe someday I’ll be back. <3

@DandelionDreams- No matter where you go, remember that you're always going to be loved by your friends here, and we will be with you and hoping that your life leads where you want it to. You always have a friend in me, and so many others here. You always have a place on Wattpad and in all of our hearts <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

@DandelionDreams- I'm sorry this isn't the place you remember just know u have my love and support and I wish you well (maybe after covid things should get better not just for this app but you too) don't feel guilty about not being able to help someone, when your still trying to help yourself, I hope you can love yourself or at least parts of your amazingness (your artistic and creative side along with your kind and caring side) I hope you well and that you will come back feeling better but please don't hurt yourself and if you need to dont feel afraid of ashamed to call the suicide prevention hotline 1800-273-8255 ... i just don't want to hear that something bad happened to a good person (anyways I have made this pretty long but I just want you to know that we care and support you fully)

*Walks in* *Boops Nose* *Boops Shelby's Nose* *Boops all of your Ocs noses* Have a good day!

Boop <3

~ATTENTION~ YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE SHOWERED WITH LOVE, SO ENJOY!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Now post this on everyone's wall who you thinks deserves all the love in the world! If you get... 1 back = You're Loved 3 back = You're Popular 5 back = You're one of the most loveable people out there 9 back = Wow, I'm jealous Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone's heart. UwU ❤️