
I’m funny


When I was younger, I used to ask my mother about reincarnation,I'd be scolded and told that I couldn't talk about it because it was against our religion, and I was always warned not to read the Bible from my mother, and I did it anyways only to find that half the things in there have nothing to do with any of her sayings or opinions and that makes absolutely no sense to me, I read the Bible because I was told i wasn't allowed, and you start in Heaven and End In Heaven, and that leads me to believe that in a world of souls you live and die and wait in heaven for another life to start, and God, how was I ever so stupid, I wish I could've grown smart


Perhaps, the reason I despise the religion I was raised in is because I was never taught what the religion was actually about, much rather I was taught my parents opinions on how the world should be run disguised by lies they claimed were written in a book in which I'd never read, a book I'd always heard about, but was never allowed to read the original, a book I was never allowed to open for myself to see what my religion is truly taught to believe. But even though it profonds me so, on all the book has to say, and everything I never knew about the way we should behave, I insult the religion, because no one has ever followed it in the way it was intended, and that is certainly unfortunate.