Hi, this is a joint account between Kiara (@DandelionWillow21), Lydia (@Macaron39), and Tula (@Tpenny8)! (Pfp and banner done by Kiara)

About Kiara:
~Loves Hunger Games, Riordanverse, THRONE OF GLASS, Divergent, Harry Potter and waaaaay to many more.
~Does ballet.
~And archery.
~Also tracking and whittling and nature stuff.
~not very good graphic designer but likes it.
~will do anything to perform. Kinda a spotlight-seeker.
~Just finished writing a Hunger Games fanfiction and is now writing the sequel, planning to eventually write and original dystopia.
~Basically the same age as the others.
~Competitive, semiperfectionist, SUPER OUTGOING, incredibly ambitious, friendly, and really, loyal to the people close to me. I would die for them. Literally.
~A very underrepresented omnisexual.

About Lydia:
~Loves The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Pegasus, The Land of Stories, Legend, Throne of Glass, Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, The Maze Runner, and many, many others!
~Plays the violin
~Only sport is swimming and no others. At all.
~LOVES baking
~Writing an original story, a THG fanfic, and a collection of poetry.
~Is an age between 11-15
~A perfectionist and SUPER competitive
~Ridiculously quiet IRL, but oddly outgoing online (Kiara: that's not true everyone)

About Tula:
- Loves The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Keeper of the lost cities, ready player one, the friendship lists, and too many more to name
-Plays piano and clarinet, sings, and will hopefully start guitar soon!
-The few sports I do are ballet (no way near as much/well as Kiara :) aerials, and tennis. Also, the way to intense PE I am forced to do. Okay I guess that is not a few
-Loves baking, performing of any kind, animals, art music and so much more
-Writing way too many things. Only one of which is published... :)
-Is an age between 11-15
-A procrastinator and very competitive
-Optimistic and outgoing!

Follow us and we will most likely follow you back! (Kiara: maybe. Or Ill break your knees. L: Um)
  • 3 places at once!
  • JoinedSeptember 20, 2021