There is girl who always believe in LOVE. She know everything about love but like in a story there is an ending and that ending is PAIN. She was only 1st year highschool when she met her first boyfriend and she was only 2nd year when she met her First Love. At first this guy hate her so much.she do anything just for this Guy but still the guy hate him because she is fat she is 70kilogram all boys hate her although she is beautiful. So decided to have an diet. Then one they her diet become effective,since that day she become a Boys apple of an eye. And dream came true his First love become her boyfriend. Until in college this guys is with him their relationship is going strong, but because of Long distance they brokeup. They are almost 1year when they brokeup. Since that she cannot fix her heart anymore,she love that guy so much but the guy dont feel the sameway to her. They have a lots of Happy memories and even Sad memories that build their relationship.Their relationship is like a fairytale full of fantacy. They thought that they relationship last forever but just like what i said Love is a story there is an ENDING.