
I exist again... Against my better judgement. Is anyone still even active here?


@DaneetheRockstar its been a while, i'm not as active here but i am on discord and ao3


Yep! I still really enjoy your works!


I exist again... Against my better judgement. Is anyone still even active here?


@DaneetheRockstar its been a while, i'm not as active here but i am on discord and ao3


Yep! I still really enjoy your works!


What are some original fanfic ideas y'all have? We need some freshness in the states fandom. It's getting a little musty in this echo chamber.


@DaneetheRockstar ok, cali shrinking (maybe some natural disaster happened in his state and everyone moves to a smaller par of California and his body reflects this idk) and he gets stuck in his room because no one really likes him so the don't bother to check on him and he has to find a way to someone to help, them just fluff.
            I've thought about this alot lol


@ErrerSans0 ope. Go ahead and lay the idea on me then


@DaneetheRockstar stands for giant/tiny, it's shrinking and growing stuff like that


Just so everyone knows, if you need anyone to talk to, about anything at all, my DMS are always open and if it's something I can fix, i will do all in my power to do so. I want to keep this fandom diverse but SAFE for everyone, minors included. I will not stand for harassment or discrimination against ANYBODY for ANY reason. 


Same to you if you need anything reach out to me I don’t mind, I’ll try to do what I can to fix it. 


So, I've noticed a reoccurring problem in the fandom. For that reason and that alone, i will state it here. I do not write hetalia and would like to forget it ever existed thank you very much. 


I’m sorry that happening I love the show but I hate the fandom sorry.


@NEVERENDINGWIIMUSIC same, but I've been getting a lot of followers from that side lately 


@DaneetheRockstar oh oof :/ i try not to look at that side of the fandom-


To all my followers.
          Thank you for being here. Knowing you'll see my writing is what keeps me writing. I am so happy you guys are here. 
          If you're struggling with anything physically or mentally, I am always open to letting you vent to me, or if you need advice on life problems I give that too. 
          This is specifically for my followers who may be dealing with self esteem issues, or self worth, or depression. 
          I am proud of you for making it this far. No matter how bad you're seeing your situation right now I can promise you, tomorrow is a new day and it will look different from there. All you have to do is hold on another day.
          You may not feel like it but you are beautiful wonderful people and you all deserve the chance to change the world. Be it through writing the next big YA novel, painting the next masterpiece, having a family, or going into your chosen professions. You will grow and change and in doing so you will change the world.
          Thank you. And if no one else will, I believe in you.


I have no room to make requests rn, but I'm having an emotional day. Would anyone be willing to write me a MassaCali one-shot comfort fic where Massachusetts is comforting Cali after all the other states were picking on him?


@Bitchyass_tacos thankie❤️❤️❤️❤️


Finally something Statehouse related.
          I had a TexaCali idea. Highschool au, Tex is one of the jocks and the others convince him to go hit on the gay nerd loner Cali at lunch, go on a date with him, then dump him the next day. Everything goes fine until it's time to publicly break up, because Texas actually had fun and cali wasn't entirely a weirdo like he thought. But his buddies keep giving him a hard time so he keeps trying to break up with him, but freezing up at the last second until finally he has to admit to himself, he's in love.