
@Just_Another_Face Thank you! :P I just fanned back


I'm so completely happy that you like panda's and penguins cause just the other day I was watching tv when this panda came on and I was like, "Awww it's a cute little panda who doesn't love pandas." Then a penguin came on and I thought if Justin Timberlake was an animal he would be a penguin. Everyone loves Justin so who wouldn't love penguins. Anywhore I just wanted to say that I love pandas and penguins and that I'm crazy. Oh and my pet dinosaur, Hunter, says RAWR! He's adorable. :D check out my stories please! THANK YOU!!!!


So I was looking in one of my new favorite authors followers saw your profile pic and was all "Look at that body aaaaaaah, he probably works out." So curious little me decides to click on the picture cause I was all "psssshhh that cant be real", so I did so and I scrolled down and my mind exploded the pics real *boom*, ur gay *booom boom* u like pasta, oreos, ur crazy and 17 *booom boom kaboom* 
          *P.S. I totally just died and went to heaven.
          Man you make me wanna be gay for you dude.'Well sorry to waste your time, but I that was extremely mind blowing.ehaha.