
@NiamhMurphy8 Thank you so much! :) 


In response to what you replied in SCW: 
          The moment I happily noticed your status and the Xenite reference in your bio section, I'd wondered if you noticed the similarities of Micah and Chase to those two fine ladies ;-) Some of my works are "uber" related, and I'm a longtime Xenite. Pleased to meet another :-D


hahaha I noticed it just after I read it actually, I still cant believe I didnt catch the similarities before! I guess it had been a long time since I read an uber or something Xena related, so my brain wasnt expecting it, but I´m so glad I found your stories, is like a paradise for my little xenite heart! hehe now I have a lot of stories to read, I was kinda missing it, I adore ubers :,)


thanks for the follow. am also a fellow "Oncer" :)


hahaha that´s cool! well, I must say that I really don´t like Hook lately...they are reducing his character to an obsesive stalker behind Emma, and it sucks, they could do much more with him...bring back the real Captain Hook.
             Yeah right?! what were they thinking?! Whatever it was, they didnt think about it when Daniel was dying! -.-´  
            For me, Regina is the best thing on the show, she´s my bby :,) And I like Robin as a standalone character, but I seriously dislike OQ, it´s too rushed, too OOC for my taste, don´t u think so? And yeah, I think the first Hood was prettier than this one hehehe


CaptainSwan! - sometimes Swan is stupid though -.-
            Charmings, sometimes gets to my nerves, esp. when they did the 1 heart 2 body thing, that was seriously farfetched :p 
            As a standalone, I love Regina :D Robinhood could have been more handsome, dont you think ? :)


that´s great! hehe... do you ship any couple at all? ;P