Now I do not like to talk about politics online; for those reasons, I will not disclose who I am voting for because it's my right. Along with that, please do not comment about who you are voting for; please keep your opinions to yourself as I will do the same. I cannot say this enough, please vote if you are of age!
I know the candidates we have to choose from are not the greatest, but it comes down to picking who YOU think is going to be a great fit for this country. I know our votes do not necessarily count towards the election, but it is our civil duty to vote. This is a way to have our voices be heard as citizens of the United States, and not to take advantage of our first amendment and make a reckless mistake.
I also understand the anxiety of the awaiting of the election as I am terrified of the events leading up to it. I am putting it into God's hands, and I truly believe he will do what is right. The electoral college vote is out of our control, and that is why we should vote once we become of age.
Whatever happens, it is important to remain optimistic as the election is coming to a close. Overall, if you are of age, please vote!