
It's been awhile honestly and I'm trying really hard to get rid of this writers block I've had since earlier this year. I WILL be back soon! I promise y'all that. Hopefully before Christmas


So I've written only one part this month, which isn't good and it isn't bad. But its been a bit and I personally can't really do much now since I am moving in the next couple weeks and my wisdom teeth are kicking in. Its been a struggle for a few days to focus on something without stress or pain


I'm kinda happy where I stand in my life atm but not really, I have surgery in 8 days and it'll be crazy till then. but hey more writing and reading here and irl, more stuff to take care of afterwards seeing how my uncle might not make it till then. makes me sad that he's dying slowly, cried a couple times already but I miss y'all.