
this message may be offensive
alright i'm so fucking tired from the school dance basically they played the 20 basic songs that appeal to 5TH GRADERS (Of which i am not) and all the food sold out in 10 minutes so the next chapter of Day into Night will be delayed because i ate a bag of cheetos off the floor


this message may be offensive
alright i'm so fucking tired from the school dance basically they played the 20 basic songs that appeal to 5TH GRADERS (Of which i am not) and all the food sold out in 10 minutes so the next chapter of Day into Night will be delayed because i ate a bag of cheetos off the floor


Ok so what the fresh heck is this, I was googling Glamrock Bonnie and this came up
          WHAT IS IT HELP ME seriously i had a stroke reading this


@DanicaMorningSun tried a laughing emoji and it didnt work lol, but yeah, laughed when I saw that. 