
Hey! For those of you who are here for the Hamilton stuff, I'm happy to announce that a New story will be coming your way. I'm debating on wether or not to turn Interlude into something different, seeing as how it is right now I dont like it. So I'm thinking about completely re-doing Interlude. The plot will be completely different but it will still be called Interlude. Or if you dont want me to re-do interlude and keep it how it is, I will create a new book for the new story I have in mind! I dont know about keeping it as Interlude because I still have reads and comments from the previous plot so I may take down Interlude all together. If you want me to keep up Interlude, then tell me. Otherwise it will soon be taken down and archived. 
          	 As for Spilled Ink, its discontinued for right now. The original plot I had for spilled ink can no longer be used for various reasons, so until I can come up with something else it will be discontinued. I will keep the current chapters up for now, so if you have any suggestions for possible plot, feel free to comment on it! 
          	All in all, thise who are here because of my Hamilton books, be prepared for a New one!
          	(For those of you who are here for other stuff, There is stuff on the way in the near future. Some bokuaka and Kiribaku stuff to be exact.)
          	Stay safe and wear a mask!
          	- Peter 


Hey! For those of you who are here for the Hamilton stuff, I'm happy to announce that a New story will be coming your way. I'm debating on wether or not to turn Interlude into something different, seeing as how it is right now I dont like it. So I'm thinking about completely re-doing Interlude. The plot will be completely different but it will still be called Interlude. Or if you dont want me to re-do interlude and keep it how it is, I will create a new book for the new story I have in mind! I dont know about keeping it as Interlude because I still have reads and comments from the previous plot so I may take down Interlude all together. If you want me to keep up Interlude, then tell me. Otherwise it will soon be taken down and archived. 
           As for Spilled Ink, its discontinued for right now. The original plot I had for spilled ink can no longer be used for various reasons, so until I can come up with something else it will be discontinued. I will keep the current chapters up for now, so if you have any suggestions for possible plot, feel free to comment on it! 
          All in all, thise who are here because of my Hamilton books, be prepared for a New one!
          (For those of you who are here for other stuff, There is stuff on the way in the near future. Some bokuaka and Kiribaku stuff to be exact.)
          Stay safe and wear a mask!
          - Peter 


I am in Haikyuu hell.
          I currently have 7 Haikyuu books in the making. 
          1 being Kagehina
          1 being Iwaoi
          5 being Bokuaka (5 Bokuaka books ahhh)
          So for those of you who are in the Haikyuu fandom get ready for some updates because 4 maybe 5 of the 7 books are about to be published within the next month (I say month because Im so inconsistent and I'll probably get distracted I apologize for that) 
          And for those of you who like kiribaku get ready for a oneshot coming your way.
          Sorry to those of you who came here because of my Lams books I dont have any new updates for those. Not sure about Klance either. I have 3 new oneshots for Klance but none of them are even close to being finished. 
          So expect Kiribaku and Haikyuu stuff within the next month.
          If you want some previews of the stories in the making, reply back to this so I know you want to see my drafts folder ;)
          - Peter


Hello its me!
          If you read my Klance oneshot, then you'll already know that Im attempting to get some new updates out for you guys. With the COVID-19 situation, I am on home lockdown for at least another month so that means lots of time on my hands. I was thinking about starting some new books (Haikyu and BNHA) since I dont have them at the moment. If you like Bokuaka then you should forward to a Bokuaka book or just Haikyu oneshot book in the near future. I might update either A different kind of magic (ADKOM), or Klance oneshots but I definitely will do something Klance. I am rewriting ADKOM at the moment so dont be confused if you see an update from that. As for my Lams books, Im pretty much done with those except for the Rewrite of Interlude. Spilled Ink is being discontinued at the moment. I may come back to it eventually. And my original story is being turned into a Webtoon so that is also being discontinued on Wattpad. My writing style has changed a lot in the past year or so, thats why Im doing a bunch of rewrites.
          I just wanted to let you guys know that I am back while the COVID-19 situation is in play but Im not sure how active I'm going to be after the lockdown is lifted and school starts up again.
          Stay home, stay safe, and wash your hands my lovely peoples!
          - Peter ️‍


Update: Im doing better. Im really sorry that I worried some of you, I just was at a really low point. I got messages from some of you asking if I was ok. Im very very sorry that I worried you guys. I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on and why I wasnt posting. Im trying to get back into the writing mode, but im still not quite there. (Ps I didnt get the part in the musical but its still a fun show so I dont really care) Im doing a lot better though! The stress levels are going down significantly, but they are still there. I feel a lot better than I did! I really want to update some stories, so let me know what you wanna see! I know its inly been about a month since my last post and your probably thinking "I thought you were done with writing??" Well Im still not as into it as I used to be, but Its all getting better so I think I wanna try writing again. Feel free to request anything! (thats reasonable. And no smut, sorry.) 
          - Peter pan 


Ok guys, so something happened when I tried to publish the new Lams Oneshot. I posted it, but something happened and wattpad glitched.  Somehow it erased the entire chapter. Im SO MAD because I had it ALL written and ready to publish it. Then Wattpad glitched and erased the oneshot 
          I'm currently re-writing it again. It wont be exactly the same as before, but it'll be pretty close. Im so sorry guys, I know I promised to get a oneshot out by the end of last week. I pinky promise (yes I'm litterally a 5 year old) that there will be a oneshot, maybe two; or a chapter out by friday. 
          Thank you guys again for waiting and being patient. And Im really really sorry about this. 


Heyyyy you guys that are into BNHA, I'll be writing some Kiribaku and Tododeku stuffs! You should go check out my new story Bound by your red lies.
          Those of you who have been waiting patiently (or not patiently idk) for the Lams stuff, you shall be getting a oneshot or chapter by the end of the week. Hopefully by either today or tomorrow, but most likely the end of the week.
          I know I keep making excuses, but statewide testing is coming up and I litterally have all of my EOCs and FSAs in THE SAME WEEK. So hopefully I will be stressed only for that week-ish and I'll be okay enough to write. 
          Be prepared for a Bunch of new books to start!
          - Peter pan :3


this message may be offensive
          Im back!
          Wow Im so sorry I just kinda dissapeared for a good long while.... shit went down with my family and school and upcoming competitions that I litterally had no time to myself and stress was litterally eating me from the inside out. I'd rather not get into anymore deatail than that.... but yeah shit just kept crumbling down on top of me one after another.
          But now im back! Im still trying to get back in the flow of things... and Im also going back and editing things ive already written and stuff. I dont really have an update schedule or anyrhing, Im just gonna update random things. I've also gotten onto some more fandoms since you last heard from me, so I may start some new Books. 
          Please be patient guys! I will let you guys know if anything changes or anything like that!
          I love you all 
          - Peter 


Advanced Merry Christmas/Happy Hollidays, Peter!!
          -a fellow Hamilton fan <3


@Danidj no problem!! Btw do u wanna chat? I wanna be friends with you! :3


@Danidj04 thank you too!
            (I really like your stories btw!!)