
Random question, how would y'all feel if I changed the title of ICH?


I truly am so sorry for the delay in updating my stories. I'm not gonna blame my lack of productivity on school because it is my own fault and for that I apologize. My birthday is this Wednesday so I should have something by then. If not, shortly after. Thank y'all for reading in my absence.


	""Boy: I'm dumping you Girl: Why? Boy: It's only for one day, to see if you can live without me. Girl: Okay. The girl walked away and went to bed. She woke up the next morning and said'I have done it!' She got up and went to her boyfriend's house. She walked in and saw the boy lying on the ground in the kitchen and his throat was slit and a note was lying beside him saying, 'You did it babe. Now you can live without me every day!' The girl was heart broken so she went home and killed herself. Repost this if you couldn't live without boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, family best friends or anyone you like, and whoever likes this couldn't live without you. If you don't repost this, it proves that you really don't care""