
Happy 2024 New Year everyone I hope all goes well with everyone that blessings that you reach your goals for the new year that timing for any Anything you want to achieve as that do as that you put your mind to it and don't let anyone stop you from reaching said goals for yourself


Hey I was wondering if you could send me where you got the cover art for your most recent book, “The Primordial Dragon God of Destruction” Loving the books !!


@user574839202 Thanks for loving my books I truly do appreciate it being trying something new The Orochuimaru Superior event if another version of and in my own way of the Superior Spiderman Books that explains Danny's change in personality and why he was once this great hero but then everything changed and his life changed and slowly and surely he became something much Darker then his current Self that's known Dreuous Pendragon Dreuous's true goals and from much more about Dreuous will be explained as time go on Especially about how truly powerful he is.


@user574839202 Thank you if you go to Google and look up Solace Mask that's for one and the Irina picture I got it off of the sit Pixiv The Art person's name is Lordwrath AI they made Irina Shidou Miko Clothing it's the third picture for Irina Shidou


I'm interested in your stories but i wanna know from which one i start reading from in order so i can have a good grasp of it


alright thanks for the info and all also keep up the great work you really have some great stories. (fellow creator as well have some stories in the background working on)


@INSIGHT6 And some changes you See the girls that loved DannyKara Betrayed him after Orochimaru Superior happened and He was Extremely upset and Depressed also because of Rias Akeno and Xenovia who cheated on him he grew fear of women however Irina helped him to recover and believe in himself once more  thus she was forced to betray his trust due to Michael's Order however when he found out that she Although she said that she loved Issei but that wasn't the Truth at all So it's now his goal of Freeing Irina and Keeping her Safe from harms way and severing the ties and all bonds of the past that he made from the War Between Humanity is The Supernatural that he won by Defeating Sirzech Gremory Lucifer 


Happy 2024 New Year everyone I hope all goes well with everyone that blessings that you reach your goals for the new year that timing for any Anything you want to achieve as that do as that you put your mind to it and don't let anyone stop you from reaching said goals for yourself


It has come to my attention now that some don't like how I do things and you know what if you don't like my books so much don't read them I never asked now as that read them if they suck so much for you don't read them as that don't come into the comments of my books now as that saying since you are so much of a man child that how I'm butchering your Favorite Person from how I do things because no one has time for your childishly crap it's Disgusting and meaningless so from sense stay away and don't read my books since you hate them so much and we don't have to deal with each other because I'm not stopping myself now as that for those that say that how I'm not mature enough? you don't even know me first of all and second of all how do you say such things when you've never met me to know how I am as that things I've gone through in life and there's alot of them end of the day don't say that how I one day need to mature from how I write my books because you don't know me and never have I do what I want as that from how had come along way in life from many things I shall not say that personal  I do this that helped me for said reasons that no one needs to know and writing makes me happy I don't need to Validation from any that don't know me and all of the bad things I've gone through just like how I've never known what you've gone through in your life so end of the day let's stay out of each other's way and go about our lives in the ways we see fit.


2 versions of books that I am doing it 1 is 1 and 1 with A Girl and 2 is A harem so it's fair but from things if you want to know with Kato Kara isnt until after the main Sao book no dxd or anything with dxd just Sao and things but that there is going to be 2 or more Sao books now