Hey friends! Wanted to update you all on my Kabby series, mainly the Trust Broken story I'm working on! I just posted a chapter! and I have the rest of the chapters planned out! there is just five more to write so I think I'm planning on doing another chapter this week then 2-3 next week so I should have it all finished in just like 2 weeks. This is the final story in the Kabby Series I have written over the many years of being a Kabby fan and all your lovely comments, votes, and messages have really encouraged me to keep going and it's a bittersweet ending for me. You guys literally have inspired my love for writing and I only hope I can continue to do so throughout my life! I will be writing non-kabby related stuff as well maybe even a novel one day so if you are interested in that, stay tuned but I just wanted to make this long sappy post to thank every one of you for being so supporting of one of my many passions and you guys mean so so much to me. Okay anyways I love you all and thank you again from the bottom of my heart <3