
Hey you! Yeah you! Go check out  TeamSeas.org  and support the campaign to help our oceans! Change is happening, join the force against trash pollution! 


Starting Monday through Friday I will be posting chapters for a story featuring Liam and Andre from my Sansby fic. By popular request I sat down and wrote something short and sweet for you guys  
           @FNAFfangirl34517 | @whyamilikethis12345
          For you two, thank you for enjoying what I have written and being so kind!!


That's so sweet, thank you! Hope you enjoy the belated beginning (;ŏ﹏ŏ)


I haven't been active on here in so long, but coming back to so many notes on my old stories was so heartwarming. Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all of your kind words and support.
           Looking back on the older stuff I definitely feel a black hole form in my stomach as I cringe but I know some people enjoy what I've put out so I won't be deleting anything even though I want to sometimes.
           I have improved, and it's taken a lot of time to realize that. I won't promise any new things, but I may do a rewrite in the future, but we'll just have to see in inspiration falls upon me. Thanks again for all the niceness, I hope you all are doing okay and being safe


Holy shiz my sansby fic just hit 10k reads....I'm absolutely baffled...and so very grateful.. thank you all so much!! I've nearly hit 100 followers and that's such a milestone for me, even though I haven't been actually active in forever, you all support me and I can't thank m you enough. You all are awesome :D


I love writing a cute scene and then you misspell someone's name and the moment is ruined by the line; "He kissed Sand." 


It was horrid, the gravelly taste stuck it his mouth for weeks. He vowed to never do it again.