
Several novel titles and their descriptions have been deleted. I had to re-run all synopses through MTL again to add them, and may have messed up some details like the author or number of chapters (if you see such errors, please let me know). I remember some edits and the general gist of some notes I made to previous descriptions, so I applied those, others are unfortunately lost for good. I can't guarantee all names and terms in the description are consistent with the ones used in the novels, those I won't bother to fix.


Several novel titles and their descriptions have been deleted. I had to re-run all synopses through MTL again to add them, and may have messed up some details like the author or number of chapters (if you see such errors, please let me know). I remember some edits and the general gist of some notes I made to previous descriptions, so I applied those, others are unfortunately lost for good. I can't guarantee all names and terms in the description are consistent with the ones used in the novels, those I won't bother to fix.


Why don't you update the story start with chapter 1, it's was OK to finish from 1 to the ending. Other profile also done this by telling the original Arthur and apology letter. It was really hard to read without first to finish in Wattpad. I hope you can update the unfinished story again, it'll probably make your profile more popular. I really really REALLY want to read your story more easily PLEASE. 


@PhuePhueMayOo There are several complete ones planned (the newest one which I'm planning to post soon starts from chapter 1). Although I might slow down in the future, I don't think I will stop updating any time soon. As long as I keep reading, I will keep updating.


@PhuePhueMayOo: PS. Some of the story's profile I follow stopped updating, it was really frustrating. 