
While scrolling through my old drafts, I realized that wattpad actually reinstated Dragon Realm (OLD). I do not know when they did and was very surprised to see it there. I'm not sure if this means they un-shadowbanned me or not, but I suppose we'll see.
          	I am still going to finish editing/moving things to other platforms and updating in all locations. I simply do not trust Wattpad to not do it again.


@DanniNightShade It popped out of nowhere but I figured it was just a way for folks to see the old one if they wanted to.


While scrolling through my old drafts, I realized that wattpad actually reinstated Dragon Realm (OLD). I do not know when they did and was very surprised to see it there. I'm not sure if this means they un-shadowbanned me or not, but I suppose we'll see.
          I am still going to finish editing/moving things to other platforms and updating in all locations. I simply do not trust Wattpad to not do it again.


@DanniNightShade It popped out of nowhere but I figured it was just a way for folks to see the old one if they wanted to.


The Fox and The Cat is available on Amazon!  https://a.co/d/a8XlwK3
          Discord Link : https://discord.gg/VBBcJtEqgy
          Patreon Link : patreon.com/DanniNightShade


@DanniNightShade I'm seeing things right now, if that helps any?
            Also glad to hear it. I was wanting a copy of it but didn't know of any way to get one. Now we just need book 2 as well!


Can people see my about page again? Or do I have to keep spamming my other links?


Discord Link : https://discord.gg/VBBcJtEqgy
          Patreon Link : patreon.com/DanniNightShade


I just tested it to see if I could post a long update again, and I still can't, so as a reminder, if you enjoy what I do and want to keep reading more from me, please join my discord so you don't lose me and my books. I intend to keep writing for as long as possible and love reading your comments and interacting with you.
            I also do not have an about page because Wattpad deletes it, so if you need the order of my books, please check my discord.


Is there an order to your books? @DanniNightshade


@DanniNightShade I'm sorry to cause you trouble but the invite was invalid but my discord is EchoRose<3 if you just want to invite me that way but if not it's no worries 


@DanniNightShade and what is your discord? Or where can I find it?


Author make copy ur all story( watty issues )


@josehineand200624 I have not yet posted to any other platforms. My plan is to update my current works with better editing on Patreon, then I will be uploading to other platforms IN ADDITION to patreon. I will still publish new books on Wattpad, unless they do anything else that's stupid in which case I will leave the platform entirely.
            Before I post on other platforms I am bringing ALL of my work over to Patreon first, to make sure that everything is still publicly available and free, in case wattpad tries to take down/remove my stuff. Only then will I start posting to other places. If you want to be involved with my most recent stuff go to Patreon.


@DanniNightShade @abcdefgh1267 If you could also keep me updated as well please when you post to other platforms. I've just logged in so I'm a bit late with my reply.


@DanniNightShade updates me when u post other platforms 


1.) Any information regarding the order of my books, what I'm working on, what I'm doing next etc, will now be updated exclusively on discord. The Link to my discord is in my profile here on Wattpad.
          2.) Wattpad has been doing some shady stuff and still haven't responded to the take down of my book and I discovered a large number of authors that were booted off the platform via shadowbans. I am in the process of moving all my books over to Patreon FOR FREE where you can read them without ANY adds at all.
          3.)I have no intention of, nor will I ever stop writing, though I may stop writing on Wattpad if they end up shadowbanning me. I will not fight for a lost cause. My current plan is transferring all my books to Patreon, then I will start uploading to Dreame and possibly other platforms as well.
          4.)If I stop responding to comments here, it's not because I hate people, it's because Wattpad can't grow a pair and have a conversation with me so I'm losing interest in this platform.
          5.) PLEASE JOIN MY DISCORD, I will not be able to post constant updates here but its incredibly easy for me to do so there. If you like my books and like reading them and want to have an input on what I do next, please join my discord.
          6.) Wattpad can sit on a cactus and rotate.
          7.) HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!


I didn’t realize that’s what happened to people. I seats right it was just a certain part of the algorithm prevents any of a shadowbanned person’s work to be seen by new people. 
            Or it’s because of their content…which would suck if it’s because of that in your case because I Love nearly all of the stories you’ve made so far and it would be bluntest discrimination if that’s the case. 


@buddy227 they deleted my about page and are preventing me from posting links in my comments without effort. I'm definitely shadow banned


Im new to your books and don’t know in which order I have to read them. Can you help me out please?:)


Weird, for me it isn’t. I can’t see your bio:(


@jdjebldlxk My discord is linked in my profile here on wattpad.


Is your discord under the same name as here and if not what’s the name?:)


this message may be offensive
I'm sorry for the second message, TLDR : Wattpad took down the original Dragon Realm book for "violating community guidelines" but did not specify what exactly it was that had it taken down for.
          In the time since my first message I did 2 things:
          I researched this and discovered that there is a MASSIVE number of people who's stories were taken down for absolutely no reason. As of now, its all sorts of people and isn't attributed to LGBT or violence or anything of the sort and instead it appears to be somewhat random and the only thing that connects them is stories with the MATURE tag turned on, which is ALL of my stories. Wattpad deletes the books entirely, not unpublishes, completely deletes them. The original Dragon Realm has been cast into the void and atm I have no idea why.
          The second thing I did was back up EVERY SINGLE ONE (Except the ones on Patreon) of my stories and drafts to my Google Drive, because fuck if I'm going to sit on my ass and let Wattpad delete 10+ years of time and effort when they can't just explain to me exactly what's wrong.
          I am going to continue to publish to Wattpad weekly for the time being. HOWEVER if they do not explain to me what got my book disintegrated or continue to take down books I will stop publishing books here and will move EVERYTHING over to patreon FOR FREE until I can find somewhere else that I can publish my books without fear of being Thanos snapped out of existence because some Joe Shmo feels like shitting on my day.
          PLEASE join my discord or just follow my patreon just in case, some of the stuff I've seen shows that Wattpad can just delete my account as well. So if you enjoy my stuff, just please please please stay in contact with me through those platforms.
          I will do my best to ensure that this isn't the case, and if they do tell me what I did wrong I will edit and correct all stories involved. But it seems like they'd rather delete them.
          Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and good luck during the purge!


@DanniNightShade if you like you could move to a PDF or your own website


@DanniNightShade some people are moving to other sites. I believe ao3 is one of them and some other I totally forgot at this moment because it's too early for me to be up


@Wamillust I want to throw hands right now, you have no idea... I spent my ENTIRE shift at work copying over my books. Thank GODS it wasn't busy.