
Chapter III is up!!
          	Still getting into the groove of working two jobs while taking two classes, so depending on how things look for the rest of the semester, I may have to commit to a biweekly posting schedule unless I find some time in the weekend to write ahead. My original plan was to write two chapters a week and post one, but that may not be consistently possible. I'll keep y'all posted on here.


Chapter III is up!!
          Still getting into the groove of working two jobs while taking two classes, so depending on how things look for the rest of the semester, I may have to commit to a biweekly posting schedule unless I find some time in the weekend to write ahead. My original plan was to write two chapters a week and post one, but that may not be consistently possible. I'll keep y'all posted on here.


Sorry for the late update, but my power has been out for two full days and restoration has been delayed (a-f*cking-gain) until tomorrow afternoon. I can't use my desktop, my iPad is hanging on for dear life, and my phone is at 62% which I'm using to make this post and praying it doesn't die before waking me up for work tomorrow. I'll get Chapter 3 up as soon as possible.


@AngelineAlexandre yeah last week was insane as I was starting my second job and school while my power was out for most of it. But, fortunately, I will be uploading a new chapter in just a few minutes :)