Hello there to whoever's seeing this! :D
I'm trying to expand my musical knowledge, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions they could give me. I'm not really into any specific kind of music, so feel free to recommend anything!
This isn't required, but:
If you recommend a musical, please give me a brief description of it. This will help me become more interested in it and will make me listen to it sooner.
If you recommend a band or solo artist, please give me a song or two from them that you enjoy, or some songs that might give me a good feel on the music they make. (Feel free to explain what kind of music they make. You can search it up and tell me the genres, but I rather hear how you interpret their music, because hearing how someone's music makes others feel and think is a bigger factor in convincing me to listen to them than what genre(s) of music they produce.)
And hey, if I know whatever you recommend, that means you now have one more person to talk to that shares the same interest(s). Even if I don't know what you're talking about or don't share an interest in it, just know that any and all of you guys can talk to me ANY time about your interests!