
I'm going to get stories out as soon as possible I promise. I'm been very busy lately and don't have a lot of free time. School starts again soon and I need to figure out what is going on with work. But I swear I will be working on editing and re uploading my stories as soon as I'm physically able to. Anyway that's it love ya all bye for now 


I'm going to get stories out as soon as possible I promise. I'm been very busy lately and don't have a lot of free time. School starts again soon and I need to figure out what is going on with work. But I swear I will be working on editing and re uploading my stories as soon as I'm physically able to. Anyway that's it love ya all bye for now 


Hey uh u gonna continue any more stories? No to rush of anything just been a while


@Dre4mhi ok! Just wondering :) take ur time tho ♡


@Dre4mhi yes I do plan on continuing stories I've just been busy and need to get around to editing


You're amazing! You're great! If anyone tells you differently there a jealous liar. If you ever feel sad then you may talk to me! I might not be online all the time but when I can ill help you! You are probably like "Why is this person so nice to me?" I'm just like you.  Sad but I try to be as positive as I can be!!


Your welcome!