
Hola cariño, mi nombre es Vale, estoy buscando la continuación de Harry Potter and breeding Darkness, ¿seguirás con la historia o esta abandonada?.
          Estoy realmente confundida, llevo un mes buscando por todas partes, ( literalmente, encontre reseñas del 2010- 2011 ). y segun encontre alguiene esta traducciendo al español.
          cual sea la respuesta, agradecería la información ❤️
          Hello honey, my name is Vale, I'm looking for the sequel to Harry Potter and breeding Darkness, will you continue with the story or is it abandoned?
          I'm really confused, I've been looking everywhere for a month, (literally, I found reviews from 2010-2011). And according to what I found, someone is translating into Spanish.
          Whatever the answer, I would appreciate the information ❤️


hello, I have been reading Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness on Adult-fanfiction, the Yahoo link does not seem to work, and am not sure if the story has been updated for a while, I must say it's great and so wonderful, and am only asking for information on it, thank you in advance.


honestly, you have done an incredible job with continuing with the book, am on my toes here, take your time I know how hard life has gotten lately, thanks for the fast replay, I will be here waiting.
            best of luck. 
            ps. am making an account there too.


@totaaa88 Thanks and as soon as I get rid of the writer's block I'll continue it


Hi I have been having some struggle finding harry potter and the breeding darkness on Adultfanfiction and was wondering if you could please send me a link to it thanks 


@Danyealle-sama Thanks so much for doing that for me 