
“The world dont revolve around you” yes it does its my life tf you mean?


A quick one shot
          “Wait..! Alatus!! Please…please…dont die..”
          “Im sorry..Sora..till the next life..i promise..ill come back with the ring..and ill love you all over again..”
          “Not on your birthday…im sorry..alatus..”
          Years later
          “My bad..sorry..”
          “Oh!its no problem? Whats your name?” 
          “Xiao, Xiao Alatus,”
          “..aether.. Im aether, Aether Alatus..”
          Au where xiao was named alatus in past life and aether was named sora.
          Alatus married sora just before the archon war started, then alatus was killed, also when they married, sora changed his last name to alatus.
          Sora changed his name to aether 500 years later, Till this day aether waits for alatus’s reincarnation, until he meets xiao alatus, who still has aethers matching ring.


ppl these days are getting aexiao and xiaother wrong tbh
          Aexiao-aether is the top and xiao is the bottom, TOPS CAN BE SUBBY AND BOTTOMS CAN BE DOM! Im not really into aexiao smut,or angst, im not really into the ship aexiao bc idk how aether is top in my view..but i think some fluff parts are good.
          Xiaother- XIAO IS TOP AND BOTTOM IS AETHER!! Top can be short, top can be subby aswell yall. Im a smut,angst,fluff enjoyer of xiaother, plus tbh idm if you ship xiaother or aexiao, I DONT WANNA BE OPENING A XIAOTHER ONESHOT ONLY TO BE SEEING AEXIAO. i think ppl see aexiao bc aether would be the first move guy. But overall i think xiaother ykyk but if u ship aexiao thats fine!


Imagine tbh mafia xiao and librarian aether be like “xiao, promise me to never hurt someone again please..” “ok.” Then next night be like “teyvat news, 10 new bodies found in …. Alley”  “XIAO!!” “….” “What did i tell you.” “Sorry….”