
Okay riddle me this...How in the actual heck does my story have almost  200 reads and I haven't posted in almost a year-? EXPLAIN?!


It has been wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long since I've updated my book and I feel TERRIBLE about it ;-; quarantine got me doing other things besides writing XD I've been doing other things that have made me procrastinate a crap tonnnnnnnn. I know a lot of people don't really read my book anyways, but just for me I feel like a total bag of garbage because I've neglected it for WAY LONGER THAN I SHOULD HAVE! I've thought about the next chapter quite a bit...........I've just never gotten to the writing part of things...hehe......whoops. I'll try to get back into the swing of things as soon as I possibly can, just hang in there a little while longer.


OKAY, I AM SORT OF FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF THIS CORONA-VIRUS CRAP!! What I'm mad about is the fact that all of this has to happen around the time my birthday issssss...;-; (My birthday is within the next few days) AND NOW I HAVE TO CANCEL ALL MY PLANS BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID MOTHER FRICKING VIRUS! UGH!! Sometimes, life can just tick me off...and right now...is one of those times.


So you know how I feel!! *Sigh* Viruses...


@DarbyJewel13 the feeling is mutal my birthdays gonna be indoors darn cornovirus!!