
@Ellianahx hi I'm Darcy c:
          	 @xXBoo_BearXx okay c:
          	 @TraceyxRose alrighty (:


this message may be offensive
          I get you so  much. 
          When everything seems wrong, you seem more mature.. 
          My dad... well.. im in the same boat.. 
          But you need a good family, and friends. Its not right for one to walk alone. Not one can do it. Everyone needs someone. 
          Looks, im sorry about what has happened. And i cannot erase the past. But only make it better.
          People can change, and in time the will... weather its a good or bad. 
          Im sure, one day something good will come your way. 
          Im sorry again. and i know that nothing will come close to the pain you feel. no one can quite fix that Hole, that is your heart. no matter how they try. 
          The way i get over everything is by writing. i write so much. and only a small fraction of what i do is up. I write, draw and do what i can. I surround myself in friends. Because, i know that if i was to be alone again. i would die. 
          Yes i have been on the brink of death, wanting to end it all, and then almost succeding, and yeah, i have had a very shit life, but so do you. you understand me, and i you. Its hard being young, and broken. only the ones who have experienced true pain will know. The ones like us.
          Be my friend, and you won't reget it. You won't always be alone. I will try to help, fix the patch, as others have before me. As others have to me. 
          Yeah a friend isn't the easyest thing to have, you have to make it work, to keep it going. or it falls and dies. You must trust, and love them, you share, and feel. You cannot turn a blind eye when they are in need. 
          I shall not be blind, i cannot be blind. because if any one, anyone is hurting. i can tell. because i have walked those steps of misery. 
          Be free, to love, laugh and be yourself.
          Lights will guide you home, and ignight your soul... i will try to fix you... - Fix you, Coldplay 