
Hey, I've noticed my series doesn't really have a lot of attention. It really kills my motivation to know that my books aren't exactly being read. I want to tell this story, but there might be other things I feel my time is more valuable for. So if you're still here, please let me know.


@Dare_Tano  I just discovered your stories and am really excited to read them all!!!


@Dare_Tano Hey I'm still here so don't worry


Thanks, guys. I'll continue working on them, but I'm in college now so expect a slower pace.


Hello There, 
          I've Been Reading 
          The Daughter 
          Of Light Series 
          Based On 
          Ahsoka Tano 
          And Lux Bonteri
          This Series Is Really Good And
          When You're Gonna Make More Of These 
          This Series So Far Is A 10/10
          I Do A Tier List 
          When I'm Done Reading This Series 
          May The Force Be With You 


Hey, I've noticed my series doesn't really have a lot of attention. It really kills my motivation to know that my books aren't exactly being read. I want to tell this story, but there might be other things I feel my time is more valuable for. So if you're still here, please let me know.


@Dare_Tano  I just discovered your stories and am really excited to read them all!!!


@Dare_Tano Hey I'm still here so don't worry


Thanks, guys. I'll continue working on them, but I'm in college now so expect a slower pace.


Finally, Book 7. After months of radio silence, I'm back. I hope my small collection of followers hasn't completely vanished over the roughly half-year I haven't uploaded any content. But rest assured, I'm back, and I'll continue to upload content, hopefully at a steady pace. Although I'm terrible at managing my time, especially due to a Star Wars: The Old Republic addiction. Regardless, I'm back, and I hope you read the newest installation of Ahsoka: Daughter of the Light.


literally love swtor :) im working on a luxsoka book and im gonna be implementing swtor planets and stuff into it because i feel like that portion of star wars doesnt get enough love 


Ack! I'm not dead! I was just in Germany for like a week or something.
          Either way, you've probably noticed I've already replaced some of my covers, so Book 7 is within reach! Also, I'm planning on reading up on a lot more Star Wars content I can add, legends or canon. I really like the kinda obscure lesser-told stories like the Mon Cala arc on book 6, but at the same time I think it's time for me to move on to more important plot points like introducing the JFO crew to the series (and turning a blind eye to whatever sequels that game may have). I plan on running this timeline up through the end of the Original Trilogy, so I need to talk about more important stuff if I'm ever gonna get there. I have a concrete plan for what the OT is gonna look like, but everything up to that point (especially Rebels) I haven't managed to fully plan out yet. Regardless, see you soon. Hopefully.


@scarlettrip Eh? What's the source material saying Merrin is Bi? Also, Ahsoka's married and has kids now lol


@Dare_Tano i wonder if Ahsoka and Merrin would have something, both are bisexual


I am a complete and utter fool. Book 6 is already out. It's Book 7 I need to write.


@Dare_Tano I am excited for book 7. 


@CamrynKissel About a month, probably less!