I started something on here that I need to finish. With that being said, my current work; Under The Irradiated Sky (UTIS,) is going through an overhaul (I suppose it can be called an overhaul. Each chapter is being changed and edited. It's a lot of work that I have cut out for myself and it will take a while. For the past few years my life has been absolutely crazy, but this isn't really about me. Very soon, My life is going to be going through some substantial changes yet again and UTIS will be on hold, YET AGAIN. Rather then waiting till things finally settle down, I've decided to made this update and begin "work" again to have the motivation to finish.
With the release of Fallout 4, However, things are different now within the franchise that I will need to learn to work with. Another learning curve. Should be fun, venturing down this path of creative expression. Imagination that is. Working my imagination now a days is like sharpening a knife that hasn't been sharpened in decades. A long repetitive proses, that requires various sharpening stones, a lot of oil and a very keen sense of hearing and touch. In other words, "What have I gotten myself into?"
A lot of work! That's what! I look forward to improving my ability to write outside of my comfort zone (Fan fiction) and seeing my work improve.
Now with that being said...I'm back.
What inspired me to continue this was checking back on it once or twice a year and seeing the views increased by a hundred. Two hundred. Since I've moved this to the "Back burner", I think the story has gained over Four or Five HUNDRED views! I've also gained a few more followers and a couple comments asking me to continue the work.
So I will. Thank you guy's for your interest in what I've done on here and the votes it has received in my absence. The show will go on.