Hola! Le Ms. Mustachio is in da house! Too ghetto? Not enough!? I should shut up... *sigh* my biggest fear in that some day, some one will lick my face. It's happened once and I was scared as hell! I was like:ew! and he was like: *lick* Your face tastes like chocolate. I guess I deserved it though because I licked him.... anywhore, don't mind me creepin on you. I might stalk you... don't worry this is not a warning... but wait! it is... um no! I feel so mixed up! I should tell you about me though now...

Hiiiiiiii I am le Paislee!
I'm fifteen and two quarters.
I am bi-curious but mostly into guys.
But that ^^^^^^^^ I mean I have lesbian moments...
Yesh that is what I call them.
I have a boyfriend who is the bomb.com!
Let's call him Darren Le Mustachio since I don't feel like giving out his name right now.
He's sixteen. Just turned.
One brudder. He got his wifey pregnant so now my grandmum and me take care of the baby.
Her name is Tyler. She's five now.
I wuv her to bits!!!!
  • In your closet.
  • JoinedMarch 10, 2012

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Free Hugs by Daring_Darling
Free Hugs
I like this girl.A cute girl. A pretty girl. She's everything I could have ever wanted. So why am I going to...
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