
I am not dead or hospitalized!  Thank you for the concerned messages. Lol. 
          	      I just took a long gap after my exams to steady myself.  I have been kind of spiraling and I didn't want to add up another deadline project to my already piled-up work.  
          	        I love writing, it is my passion and love but sometimes I would think of a world where I am free to write and concentrate on my studies and job.  But in this world, it is not possible!  
          	       So, forgive me if I miss a day or two in my updates.
          	       Love you and thank you for the messages again!


I am not dead or hospitalized!  Thank you for the concerned messages. Lol. 
                I just took a long gap after my exams to steady myself.  I have been kind of spiraling and I didn't want to add up another deadline project to my already piled-up work.  
                  I love writing, it is my passion and love but sometimes I would think of a world where I am free to write and concentrate on my studies and job.  But in this world, it is not possible!  
                 So, forgive me if I miss a day or two in my updates.
                 Love you and thank you for the messages again!


Hey guys!
                I know I have been irregular in posting but I've been kind of depressed lately with no motivation to type or do any kind of activity and it didn't help that I am being buried deep in my Uni works and exams. I know I promised bi-weekly updates which I am now unable to deliver upon.
                There will still be updates, no worries, but I don't think I will be able to keep up with it, to be honest. I have got all these ideas but no will to act upon them. I have these spurts of energy that I burn out quickly and easily. I honestly don't know why I am venting here but still, it feels good to talk about something after days of not being myself.
                 I still love reading all your comments and thank you for supporting me as always. To be honest, you guys help me keep going.
          p.s. I think I will be able to post this Sunday. Lol.


@Dark-hairedDamsel  don't get worried....stay relax and do your best.....I always love your work


Guys!!!  I am in a position to apologize, again.  I won't be able to post for another week or so, it was a miracle that I did post this week.  I might be able to post the week after but don't hold me to it.  I just hate disappointing you guys but hope you understand, something came up that I could not ignore and I feel like I need some time to sort through it.  I hope you guys have a fantastic week and don't forget about me!! ♥️


@Dark-hairedDamsel will b waiting 4 u.. Have a nice week to u too <3


Hiiii, I am finally here.  I am sorry I took this long, but I had to get myself in the mood to write and I didn't want to do a half-assed job with my chapters, so I typed a little longer chapter for the next one.  Expect a little early post tomorrow!  Love you guys and thank you for supporting me, as always!!


@Dark-hairedDamsel  waiting for your next chapter..... please check ur insta too....


Updates of 'My possessive alphas' will be on Wednesday and Sunday's! Stay tuned!!


@Dark-hairedDamsel tysm for publishing... But please take care of ur health first, we cud wait...! Nd no need to say sry, I can completely understand. Anyways ty nd lysm ✨️✨️❤


@crazygirly1700 Published just now!! Sorry i couldn't post sooner, had lot of works to get done. And now i am awake till two in the middle of the night trying to keep my promise with my eyes nearly shutting down..