Title:Izuku The Omnitrix Wielder Izuku Midoriya Gender:Male Sexuality:Straight Age:4, 10-16 Hero Name:Izuku 10 Quirk:Omnitrix Omnitrix Functions: Ultimate Forms (Ultimatrix) Fusion Forms (Biomatrix) Voicemail Master Control Voice commands Quick change Absolute evolution DNA scanner DNA recovery Rules: No Neglectful Parents No Abusive Parents No Bad Endings No Worst Endings No Sad Endings No Tragic Endings Ship:Izuku x Harem Tags: Crossover Fanfiction Mha x Ben 10 Hero Izuku Quirk izuku Izuku has Quirk Alive Nana Izuku x Milfs Izuku x Massive Harem Massive Harem Protective Harem Obsessive Females Overprotective Females Loving Females Genderbending No Yaoi No Futa No FemBoy New Every Chapters (Without Discontinued, Hiatus, On Hold or Cancelled) New Every Updates (Without Slow Updates, Pause or Long Updates) Here you go @Dark-users12 It's all yours

Pls make more soon of blazed hero

Hi for some reason the new chapter is not registering for my phone I don't know if it is just me or everyone just letting you know.

Or if you don’t want to do any of the ideas I sent you then this is the only ideas you can do it won’t be that long but anyways the idea is that So whenever maybe like during a training thing the training thing I forgot what the name was but during battle training after pretty much maybe all mights daughter lost or you can just do something with the weather like all might attacked him somewhere whenever they were alone and pretty much Izuku dodged it and pretty much punched him or slanted to the ground and pretty much kicked his weight spot so hard that he spit up blood and he was knocked out and turned into his original far afterwards then he went to the doctor and then the doctor premature was like his own personal doctor that knows about one for all and started explaining on how he has like 10 minutes only of being able to be in your hero form And afterwords he thought I said I knew I shouldn’t of attacked him

Hey I just wanted to tell you I don’t know if you’ve got my ideas for what could happen in future chapters but I want to tell you them

Also maybe later on during the chapters whenever it was too late they get pulled into the Mindscape well all might and Izumi since they’re both successors of one for all but what they were therefore that pretty much the past users wanted to tell them the truth since it was already too late to pass it down but what they said shocked them and made Izumi Break down because she’s going to become powerless but The past user said that I’m going to show you what would happen if it was the other way around of what if you were Quirkless and Izuku wasn’t this kind of intrigued them and made them kind of curious what would happen what happened shocked izumi but not all might because he knew this would’ve happened if she was powerless and what she saw was her parents beating her up and calling her names like useless and her friends that she thought loved her for her started beating her up and calling her like worthless deku but what shocked her next was that her brother didn’t turn on her and protected her and that Which afterwards she broke down crying because not only is she powerless she found out her parents only loved her for her power and not her and her Friends loved her only for her power and the only reason why they’re friends because of it and now she knows her brother only loves her for her which makes her happy but also very upset because now she knows is that she has nobody to turn to cuss her personally love her for her power her friends only love her for her power and her brother which she betrayed by beating him up and calling him useless names in that loved her for her but also betrayed his trust so she lost everything and she has nothing she lost her quirk her family and her friends

Hey I just wanted to tell you or give you an idea but before I do I just wanted to tell you or ask you please make more this like today or as soon as possible because I am enjoying this story one of my favorite ones But anyways the idea is that since one fraud can’t be forcefully taken away and they know all might and his wife and Izumi are too stubborn to listen to them and give it to the person or two there ex son They are pretty much they found out away and they didn’t even care if they would ruin her life because they know that one less version of her in the world is one better part of the world So what the past users are doing is that they are pretty much removing her quirk cells and it’s impossible to regrow them once they’re being destroyed but what happens is that her powers get weaker and weaker until their main quirk Is destroyed and after that they have pretty much they can just leave the host or the successor of that person and then they can go onto another person who they think is worthy Izuku hint hint I know you are making it where One for all cannot be really used by you know who but I want her to be suffering more because in my eyes that’s not enough If you do you want to do this idea please tell me And whenever his sister found out about this maybe it’s in like the training the battle training defined out or not they don’t find out but they notice what’s happening like she try to lift up a giant boulder and she couldn’t do it it was heavy and whenever she turn on one for all She could lift it but barely and he smiled and said what happened to your power looks like it’s getting weaker somehow I wonder what’s happening he knew exactly what happening because the pass users told him and he would be happy to except the power as long as it’s not given to him by his sorry excuses of parents