

This is my account, somebody hacked me! I can't get on my account anymore. Sorry you guys, something happened and I can't get on . This is my other account. Had to abandon it cause my facebook was hacked. Now I dont have either! Guess theres no more wattpad for me.. Bye, guys..


Hey guys! I'm back in the game. I'm writing my latest "Scars." I hope you all enjoy what I've written so far! :) Take a peak and comment what you think! And, please vote if you honestly, truely, actually love it :D I'm currently working on the second chapter. It's going to be called, "Sabotage." Just about finished! Just gonna get some sleep, been up for a while! When I wake, I'll get a jump start on it for you guys! Keep me updated, and I'll do the same. Thanks guys! <3


Hey, would you guys want a murder mystery for a book? I know, I know... Kind of lame. But, its a school assignment. And its the only way I can really write another book at the moment. Well, message me or comment here for your opinion, I'd like to know! So far, what I've written, is very well. I'm just wondering if anybody would read it.


Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know. I might be getting a computer shortly. So, if I do, I will be writing a book as soon as possible! And its going to be called, "Trapped." So, to keep you all updated on what's coming! :D Thanks.