
Okay as a reader how long would you like a chapter to be. I'm trying to see how long I want to make each chapter. I can publish now. Or I can keep writing if any one is up maybe you can help me with this. I like to hear readers adivice as well as others because hey you will hopefully be the one reading it. :)


Okay as a reader how long would you like a chapter to be. I'm trying to see how long I want to make each chapter. I can publish now. Or I can keep writing if any one is up maybe you can help me with this. I like to hear readers adivice as well as others because hey you will hopefully be the one reading it. :)


I have been up all night writing I'm almost ready to publish fist chapter half way there  it's 5:10 am here I been going at it since a little after 11pm so imma shut down for the night but ill get it done. I forgot how long it takes to do one chapter at a time. lol. much love everyone.