
Happy New Year to all! Enjoy the New Year of 2020! 


Wow the year 2019 is almost over and a New Year is about to begin. Time flys when you are being productive, or in my case going to school, and balancing 2 jobs, while traveling from Los Banos to San Jose every weekday, and from Los Banos to Gilroy every other weekend. I'm a busy little writer that I may not have written almost anything in the last year. So I will now state sorry for not having updated any of my works, I was just either really busy or working on either my homework, or working g at my job. 


Happy New Years Everyone! I wish you all a good, exciteful, and wonderful New Year! 


I will not be updating anytime soon I kinda stressed out my hand to the point that I can't use it at all with out pain shooting into my body. I have to be on the mend for about 1 month before my hand even gets better to begin typing even posting this message is hurting my hand. I am sorry for the inconvenience. 


Looks at hand and leg.... yup I gone and f*ck*d up yet again but hey it was worth it I beat my friend on riding a mechanical bull and lasted longer on the mechanical bull than her. I'll still update my books though my dear readers...slowly but surely. I'll just be in some slight pain for a couple of days. Sucks when you are a clumsy human being... creature.... homosapien species that I am. Welp see you all soon I'll  be doing a mass update soon when I can. I'll try and survive with no more injuries though I have no idea if I'll be able to do that. 
          ~Lady Angel Night  


Sorry for not updating last week, I was sick,  I had a breakdown due to stress and being sleep deprived so I had to calm down, sleep and go to work, and evenly distribute my homework load for my classes. I'll try and update but I make no promises because right now my health is my priority.


@DarkAngelNightWings it's fine at least get better author~chan k 


Alright I have an important thing to tell all ny readers of D. GRAY MAN ONE SHOTS, I have pushed the deadline to next week. I have 10 one shot chapters left to do, and little time to finish it by next week. I have to work overtime at my work due to people taking sick days and vacation times, and I also have to finish my hw which means I am having a mental breakdown over all the time I spent doing my hw for my courses this year. Therefore, I have 1 more week and then I begin only updating once every 3 weeks, unless I feel like updating  more than once,  and am available to do so. Enjoy amd thank you all for following and reading my work. 
          ~Lady Angel Night 


We understand don’t stress yourself take your time stay healthy as well we don’t want you getting sick over all this


I understand, like I said school and work and stuff is important but so is your health. I apologize if I was stressing you out


Hello there, 
          I am back in college, and taking classes. Unfortunately, the classes I am taking this year are all pretty hardcore and involve me dedicating all of my time and effort into completing the course. 
          I will try and update though when I have the free time. So just to let you all know my updates for any of my books will be limited I will try and update once every 3 weeks, if I have the time. 
          For D. GRAY MAN ONE SHOTS- the book is coming to an end and I will try and finish it by the end of next week. 
          Thank you all for being my supportive readers and followers. 
          ~Lady Angel Night ♡ 


@DarkAngelNightWings oh awesome ok I cannot wait but I’ll do my best to be patient 


@rosequeen23 Your one shot is coming up it is I believe up after 2 more soulmate one shots 


Oh man that’s a lot do your best and I’ll be patient fir the rest of one shots at the end


Thank you for adding Devil's Grin to your reading list. I hope you enjoy the story and feel free to comment and tell me what you think 


That a much appreciated. I'm honestly surprised I haven't gotten 1 negative remark on this story. Still expecting it though lol


@87firestrike No need to thank me for adding a story that deserves to be read to my reading list, but I do thank you for creating such a fine and great fanfiction in the first place, and of course I will try to comment on the story with my opinions