That moment when, on working on planning on what particular details need to be snuck into the OG stories to help support Part Three during the Great Revision, you realize that you most of them are already there.
I swear to god, it's like the Sequel Trilogy was crafted specifically for my Adye ladies and their stories: Force Healing, Sith Dark Absorption, the Tantive IV and sooooo much more - groundwork for it all is already in Athara and even a bit in Neva's stories! And I thought coming up with the outline for Ana's story and precisely how she and everyone fit into each of the three movies felt almost *TOO* easy.
Like, geez, lovelies! I hadn't even finalized some of these overarching story plans until shortly after Episode IX came out and I wrote some of these nit-picky details literally over a decade ago!
*mind blown*
Now if only I could manage getting the more substantial writing beyond the plans down....
*le sigh*