
Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great Christmas and that all your wishes come true!
          	Love , this sick ass!


Thank you for checking out my stories, really appreciate it. I’ll check yours too. Happy Holidays!!!! I hope you have a great time with your loved ones! :)


Thx, Happy Hollidays to u too! Your a great writer by the way! Hope you have a great time with your loved ones too!(that was a lame response‍♀️ sorry)


Happy Thanksgiving!!!
          Thank you all for the support and for being there even if I lag on updating. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Don't forget that to say thank you to those that are there for you because you never know of your gonna see that person again.
          ~love a.r. 


Hey, I'm kinda in a happy mood today. I had a weird dream with some people I haven't seen in a long time and that visit in my dream had me smiling all day. Anyway I wanted to share my happiness!! 
          So if your sad at this moment forget whatever made you sad and just focus that you have people that care for you. If you cant think of anyone then I'm here and I am all ears. 
          Dont forget to tell the people you care for you love them because you never know when you will never see them again.  And that's why I say I LOVE YOU❤❤
          I might not be a lovely dovey person but I just wanted to say that.
          ~goodnight from urs truly