
Since the pad got rid of pm's... I made a discord, PhoenixDen. Let me know if anyone wants in for sneek peeks and such.


@DarkPhoenixKing ya, I'll work back around to them, but... my mind is less than co-operative. I've been worrking on them, but its slow going. I make it a point to keep busy though, so nobody is ever hurting for something new. Sorry.


@DarkPhoenixKing are you struggling to continue writing heroics by firelight ;Luz the dragon lady and twilight hero luz


Hello question are you still updating hungry hero


@silverdino21 Yup, I update stories when I get inspired to write them. It's not a great system, but I can't work on a single project too long or it starts dropping in quality. As soon as I have the next chapter done, it'll be up for everyone to enjoy. In the meantime, please enjoy a few of my other stories.


Hey buddy. Can you help me with one thing? Can you write the story about Toh with the core idea about if humans had a weapon bond to their soul and Luz had eight but can't use them like the one I used to write?
          I really want to see this story that was finally written by someone with great potential.
          I want to write it myself but....I can't keep my focus on it. 
          If it's not too much to ask. Thanks. And I really like your books. Especially, queen of exiles.


@DarkPhoenixKing still grateful though also you don't need to make it like mine, it yours with the ideas from mine.
            I'll always support you buddy.


@LonLyP01 I don't know... I've never picked up another persons story before. I'll think on it. Also, you don't need me. You already have great potential lol. I'll see what i can do though.


Since the pad got rid of pm's... I made a discord, PhoenixDen. Let me know if anyone wants in for sneek peeks and such.


@DarkPhoenixKing ya, I'll work back around to them, but... my mind is less than co-operative. I've been worrking on them, but its slow going. I make it a point to keep busy though, so nobody is ever hurting for something new. Sorry.


@DarkPhoenixKing are you struggling to continue writing heroics by firelight ;Luz the dragon lady and twilight hero luz


Hey it's me again. And this time I had A LOT of ideas that kept popping up in my head. So I'll drop it all here.
          1. What if was accidentally sent to the Demons realms while she was pregnant Luz by titan blood? It had warped her to king island and started to change something in her body as she became the titan her self? And now she was alone with Juan luc?(I can't spell it's name...) Luz is also affected by this event and born being half titan. They were watching and helped by papa titan themselves.
          Six years later eda came to isle like canon but she had found king being with the Noceda instead so this time she doesn't need to fight with the guard of the castle.
          This story is about what eda would do if she had a titan wife, along with a half titan kid and 
          Full titan Kid?  And Luz was born in the demon realm? And only seen a thing that PT. Had opened the rift and brought from human realms.


@LonLyP01 ya I saw that too. It helped, but 8 year out would be something to see.


@DarkPhoenixKing i see a similar one but it's Luz daughter. Stilll very super cute!!!


@LonLyP01 Also I've never regretted my poor art skills more then when I came up with baby Titan Luz because OMT that would be so cute, and nobody seems to have let anything like that slip out ;(


Hey man it's me again.... So this time had an idea about 
          luz had learned magic before she had met with eda.
          When Luz was ten she was wandering around in the forest and met with the old cabin.
          Inside it Luz had met with four old grimoire.
          The beast keeper, the elemental, the dark art, and the beginner grimoire for sorcerer.
          So she is now as far as she concerned the first human ever to learn and use the real magic.
          Five years later luz was sent to the boiling isle.
          And she knows that her grimoires were from here. So she want to learn more about it origin.
          And find if there's other grimoire left
          What do you think? You can tell me some of your idea about it.
          I would love to hear it.
          For now I think that what amount of luz grimoire that she should has in the beginning.
          Is it ok to already have4?


@LonLyP01 To be honest, I'd do it anyway, because it would make for a fun scene of conversation or chapter plot.


@DarkPhoenixKing oh...i forgot to think about how eda would reaction about Luz using the curse. Thank or reminding me bud.


@LonLyP01 That sounds awesome. I hope you have fun writing it. Just a small note to remember... Eda could have a severe reaction if she finds out Luz has cursed anyone, even as a joke given what happened to her. Anyway, night bud.


Hey i have some new book ideas it had inspiration from your dragon lady book I don't know between
          1.Luz had contracted with an old ancient dragon when she went through the portal and slow gains the power under the ancient dragon guide as she start to be bond with them.
          2.Luz is a baby dragon that got warped to the Noceda household by accident when she is born and then fifteen years later she end up on the boiling isle again and try to figure out her past and her race and learn to control her power.
          Which one you think are more interesting?


@LonLyP01 Don't worry about it. I live for this kind of stuff, and heck ya that sounds great. My only advice is to write it your way (learn by doing, and finding what works best for you), and I'll be here if you need to bounce any ideas or if you need an extra set of eyes. I believe in you, so go make something that you can be proud of.


             hey bud. I just had new ideas about this au.  So what if Luz is the baby dragon but instead of contracting with the ancient dragon through the door. She had the ancient dragon seal inside her since she was born?, like nine tails and Naruto.
            So the dragon needs to find a way to get out of Luz's body, and Luz being Luz and try to help the dragon. While she made the dragon help her control about her dragon power?
            Will the dragon find a way to get out of Luz's body, or will they make an unbreakable bond between them And be like a father and daughter instead?
            What do you think? I think it would be fun to write. Do you have any advice?
            Hope you aren't bored about me yet.


@LonLyP01 No problem bud. If you ever need more help or just want to talk, feel free to shot me a message.  Till then good luck, and keep shining like the star I know you can be :)


So here's the thing, my 'writing process' is chaos, and at some point I'm going to end up moving to at most one chapter a week, period. I write what I can when I can, but it occurs to me my double uploads are numbered. For context I currently have nine on-going stories in different stages of readiness for their next chapters, including the two I currently have started here. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I have a rule that once a chapter one drops, the story gets told to the end. It might take a while, but no story gets left behind here. I want to know what yall would prefer. I can keep doing two updates a week until I run out of transferable/fresh content or I can scale back to one a week after new years so I have a consist flow each week for a longer time.  Let me know what you would prefer. In the meantime I'm getting back to work. Thanks in advance.