@Chilled_Fusion I don't know what you're thinking, but please don't. Your stories are amazing, there are people who care about you, heck, someone could be reading your stories and think, 'I need your writing to keep me safe from myself.' Please, don't do whatever you're thinking.
Thanks for the follow DarkRoseCheetah! If you'd like, please check out my other work! =3
(Also feel free to come and ask me for writing advice, because apparently I have that)
@Chilled_Fusion I don't know what you're thinking, but please don't. Your stories are amazing, there are people who care about you, heck, someone could be reading your stories and think, 'I need your writing to keep me safe from myself.' Please, don't do whatever you're thinking.
@DarkRoseCheetah Well.. I dunno.. what I'm thinking sounds pretty fun right now... plus when you hough you had some one to talk to and they aren’t there for you any more.. you kind of loose all hope...