
I look at life as if it's a book and I'm the author. I write on it's white, blank pages in pen, filling up every corner. You can't go back and fix the mistakes you made because you have no White-out. You can only keep writing and moving forward. And as you near the end of your book, you try to make it as good and meaningful as possible. Now after your book is completed and published in the library of history, your book will serve others in two ways. 1 is that the readers will learn about the mistakes you made in the past, and then how you corrected them in the future. Or 2, the readers will only see the mistakes you made and that you've never tried to live a good life. If someone was to read your book, what would they find? I know that I'm far from being perfect, but when you put forth a strong effort to overcome the weaknesses in your life, others will see and follow. Let all of us be careful in what we write in these books. 


I look at life as if it's a book and I'm the author. I write on it's white, blank pages in pen, filling up every corner. You can't go back and fix the mistakes you made because you have no White-out. You can only keep writing and moving forward. And as you near the end of your book, you try to make it as good and meaningful as possible. Now after your book is completed and published in the library of history, your book will serve others in two ways. 1 is that the readers will learn about the mistakes you made in the past, and then how you corrected them in the future. Or 2, the readers will only see the mistakes you made and that you've never tried to live a good life. If someone was to read your book, what would they find? I know that I'm far from being perfect, but when you put forth a strong effort to overcome the weaknesses in your life, others will see and follow. Let all of us be careful in what we write in these books. 


Life at its best is when you can surround yourself with awesome friends who you know won't leave you in your weakest moment. Struggling day by day with these type of friends makes life go on faster. Now we can only go day by day, moment by moment. Some people blame others for the past mistakes that person made and dwell on it, and do all they can to try to ruin that person's future. I don't dwell on the past. I know that everyone's a human and humans make mistakes. Who doesn't? Such it is with me. I've made some, actually a lot of mistakes in my life, and without the support of good friends I wouldn't be trying to write. I love Wattpad and the friends I met on it. For me, what we do in the present will always affect the future, so... talking to my friends will make my future....awesome! Thank you all so much for your support and suggestions. And remember to share my books with all your followers and friends. The more people like my books, the happier I become. I think we're all like that, right?


Are you like a poet or something? A philosopher? Your words are very inspiring and relatable, and give an intresting perspective to life which I think is quite illuminative.