
Does anyone feel like tagging me? I'm pretty bored right now.


Oh yeah, it's Friday the 13th.... heck yes! Let's hope Jason doesn't, WHAT THE CRAP?! Ugh, middle of typing and my watch goes off. I really need to figure that thing out. Anyway, what I was saying before I WAS RUDELY INTERRUPTED! Let's hope Jason doesn't come get you people. I dunno I'm crazy! Peace! I mean... I'll still be on tonight.


@DarkShiver This was my friend's birthday. XD


Good, good, I got a new tablet so I can come back to Clash.


I'm pretty sure people think I'm not active but I'm just going to clear that up. I am active but I don't update things all the time or I don't vote or comment. Also, the December 10- New Year gone thing still applies.