
So... I'm back!!! It would mean so much to me if you could give my new story a go :) I am still in the midst of writing it, so apologies for any delays in chapters. Lots of love to you all <3


Hey guys! Sooooo I apologise for my absence, i've just been super busy and having fun in my first yesar of Uni :) You'll be pleased to know I am in the midst of writing another story! One that I am hoping you will all love. Anyway, I'll keep you updated, love you all !


First chapter of my new story is up !!!!! Let me know what you think:) I’m super exited to continue writing this story ! I have lots of ideas in mind for it :) 


@Geegee25255 aaaaaaaaaaaaah i'm so excited!


It’s so nice to see that so many of you are still enjoying the ‘My bodyguard’ series. I’m debating on whether to write a third, or whether I should just leave it as it is ?? 


I would love to


@pickle_toes I haven’t read those but I’ll find them !


@Geegee25255 if you know the stories drawn to you, remember when and boyfriend then i would love to see something like them. They are some of my favs and I absolutely need more!! <3


Hey guys! Hope you’re all doing okay! I’m still trying to get ‘Bound to’ finished, sorry for the slow posts. I can confirm, I have writers block  it will be finished soon, I have also been writing a Loki story on the side, not sure wether to post it yet, any yes’s ?