Hi everyone!
You know what this means, bad news, maybe a little bit of it is good.
The fundamental problem with my writing for me is the only way for me to even have a semblance of enjoyment out of it is to rely on OCs. Which I think the reason for this is mainly because my drive to write the K/DA girls or any girls in League of Legends and this point just feels stale at this point and time.
For you lot that have been with me for years now, you all know how many stories I made and then deleted which rarely broke 10 chapters. Maybe it is just my stance on fanfiction right now and why it feels difficult to even continue writing.
Why did the new fanfic almost get 30 chapters in two weeks? Honestly there was more planning done around Willow and Eleanor than any of the other cast. I could not for the life of me start to think of the other characters and just winged it and I feel that the story suffers greatly from that.
TLDR is that I am going to move on from League as a whole, possibly fanfiction as well. I guess I lost my spark. Not like I didn't have a good run and that I did not have fun while I was doing it.
I won't stop writing though. Might occasionally update one or two of my older works but there won't be any new ideas in regards to League fanfiction and fandoms that I tried before but never managed to make work. Mostly just OC work that I'll naturally upload on here.
Took me a while to get here, had some drama here and there but its just part of life. If you stuck around for the fanfics and were only here for them, then I am grateful for your support. If I'll still see you around here then thanks you for sticking with me through the worst and the best of it. Without any of you I'd be nowhere, so thank you.
I suppose that everything goes on :)
(Sorry if this is a bit dramatic, you know me by now)