
this message may be offensive
Hey lovelies! I'd like to apologize for my absence the past couple months. Here is what happened. I had gotten a job at Terror Behind the Walls at Eastern State Penitentiary. It's a haunted attraction set up in a real abandoned prison. I was one of the actors there. September I was mostly doing training and once October hit, it was show time. You'd think being an actor at a haunted attraction is simple but it's not. It's VERY psychically demanding. I would get home late and tired, later than I should since I live about 2 hours away by publish transport.
          	the only times I had to actually sit down and do some typing was an hour before I left for work and an hour after I got home. My brain was way too fried to do much of anything. I only had time to give upkeep to my tumblr blog but even then I was just under semi hiatus. With my brain all frizzled, none of these peoples wanted to talk to me. Bucky is being a little shit right now even if it's a smutty scene. Now it's November so I should have more time. I'll try to post more stuff up and get the creative juices flowing. Thank you all for the follows and for still sticking with me :) Love you all.


Hey Girl....it's been years haha and you still haunt me till this day....I'm almost your same age as when you started which is crazy to think bc I started back when I was 16. I hope everything is going well, being 25 now I realize how easily things can go South and how hard it is to continue something you once really loved  I was a little greedy messgaing you all those years ago demanding updates but I was a little squirt who didnt know better...best wishes and I hope you're doing great things 


I have just finished reading your loki:beyond space and time. Tbh it was MIND-BLOWING. I have never in my life had read a story with this plot. It's been 9 years since your last update. Wishing you luck on your job, be safe and healthy


this message may be offensive
Hey lovelies! I'd like to apologize for my absence the past couple months. Here is what happened. I had gotten a job at Terror Behind the Walls at Eastern State Penitentiary. It's a haunted attraction set up in a real abandoned prison. I was one of the actors there. September I was mostly doing training and once October hit, it was show time. You'd think being an actor at a haunted attraction is simple but it's not. It's VERY psychically demanding. I would get home late and tired, later than I should since I live about 2 hours away by publish transport.
          the only times I had to actually sit down and do some typing was an hour before I left for work and an hour after I got home. My brain was way too fried to do much of anything. I only had time to give upkeep to my tumblr blog but even then I was just under semi hiatus. With my brain all frizzled, none of these peoples wanted to talk to me. Bucky is being a little shit right now even if it's a smutty scene. Now it's November so I should have more time. I'll try to post more stuff up and get the creative juices flowing. Thank you all for the follows and for still sticking with me :) Love you all.


Hey Lovelies! Guess what! I finally drew what Dragoness looks like in her armour. I know the story is a LokixReader, but she just took on a life of her own that I just wasn't expecting. I will be illustrating how I envision her and more pictures of her are on the way. I will be drawing her in her human form, in her halfling/dragoness form, friends and family, her with Loki, and even scenes in either single frame or in comic format. 
          If you have any requests of scenes that you'd like to see drawn, let me know. For example one of my readers requested seeing when Tony walked into her job and she was imagining killing him with the spoon nearby lol. I will be posting them up in my deviantart page which I will be adding the link below and also on Dragoness' own tumblr page in the gallery section, also will be listed below. Don't be shy to leave her an ask, she likes talking to people ^w^
          Dragoness in Battle Armour
          Dragoness' tumblr page
          Later Luvs <3


Hello lovelies! Just wanted to take the time to let you all know that dragoness has her own page on tumblr! I may have forced her into it >:3 you know how shy she is about coming out of the phone booth. For some in character blogging by her follow her on her blog page: 
          Feel free to ask her random questions about her or her love life with our favourite God of Mischief or about whatever randomness. She likes to RP too so you'll see some of that, along with Loki/avenger pics and her song of the day :) 
          Btw: Yes I will be posting more on here; working on the next chapter to "Other World", then after that,  another lovely chapter where dragoness tries to mentally scar Loki again in "Dating a God".  >:3 
          Loki:....... You must hate me so. ...
          No! I love you! *eyelash flutter*
          Loki: Sure you do ........ *not buying it*


Remember all, don't be shy to give me your feedback. I'm already planning a mini Book to pass the time before Ragnarok comes out to continue my LokixReader/Dragoness story before I start the sequel. It's not going to follow a specific storyline, just one-shots of dates they'll have and what-not. But aside from that, I'd like to hear what you guys might be interested in seeing. I sorta have a different LokixReader in mind, but I also plan on other CharacterxReaders. 
          What characters would you like to see? Maybe one with Steve? I'm also thinking Winter Soldier ^w^ Give me your ideas in the comments or in PM of who you'd like to see and I'll see if it's something I could work with ^w^