
Hi everyone! Enjoy Amberstar's Sorrow! I've worked pretty hard on it and I personally think it's not perfect, but pretty good. Check it out for me! Comment and vote while you'll at it c:!


Sorry for not responding to anything on Discord. My account is getting deleted in like a week :P. I’ll be back before next year with a new account so yea! Feel free to have glitched light die and blayre and Brooklyn go on vacation or something while I’m gone. Sorry for the inconvenience...


Hihi! I hope all is well with the stuff going on lately. How is my server doing? How is Ashstar and the clan plus all the other rps? What else has been goin on while I’ve been out? So many questions hehe. Only a couple more months until I can get a new account. I’ve hated waiting :P. Chase and Griffin want to exist screeeeee. Anyway, thanks for your time. I can’t wait to be back, and if possible, please tell meh server the same thing for me 


MmM projects. Okay. Have fun with your projects. I told GoatDog the things. Hope you'll be back soon!


It should be goatdog, unless they changed it. Don’t know the four digit code though... I’ll be fine without an account for a bit, but thank you for the offer. Gives me a chance to work on projects :P