Well, guys, I just wanted to touch base with you all. Cyrus and Eve's story is still being written, I promise! I think I'm about a third of the way through chapter 11, but the curtain between our world and theirs only allows me a few brief glimpses lately. Don't worry, I will prevail!
For my fan-fic friends, I'm starting to think that Save Me, Mr. Way may not get written. I haven't had any muse for the genre at all for a while, and, as much as I love Frankie and Gee's story, I'm having trouble getting back into the mindset I was in when I started out on their journey. For this, I'm truely sorry. Who knows, though. Their voices may eventually start talking to me again.
On that note, I'm going to leave you with a thought. When in doubt, be kind. It truly makes a difference, not just for the receiving party, but for yourself as well. And be kind to yourself, too. Don't beat yourself up if something goes wrong. It's just a learning experience... Learn from it, then move on. Don't let the dark make you blind to the lighter side of life.
Much love to you all.